Chapter 10

1 Solomon’s proverbs. A smart son makes his father happy, but a silly son saddens his mother.
2 Money gained by wrongdoings is useless: but being right with God saves from death.
3 God will not let good people go hungry; but he will keep the wicked from getting what they want.
4 The person who is lazy becomes poor, but the hard worker becomes rich.
5 Someone who gathers crops in summer is smart, but someone who sleeps during the harvest brings shame.
6 Blessings are on the head of the fair, but the wicked’s mouth is covered with violence.
7 People remember good people with happiness, but the names of bad people will be forgotten.
8 A wise person listens to instructions, but a foolish talker will fail.
9 Anyone who lives rightly walks safely; but those who follow crooked paths will be exposed.
10 Someone who winks causes trouble, but a talking fool will fail.
11 A good person’s words give life, but the evil hide behind violent talk.
12 Hatred causes fights, but love forgives all wrongs.
13 Someone with understanding speaks wise words, but a person without understanding gets punished.
14 Wise people save knowledge, but a fool’s words lead to trouble.
15 A rich person’s money is like a protective city; a poor person’s ruin is their lack of wealth.
16 The work of good people leads to life; the actions of bad people lead to sin.
17 Someone who follows advice is on the path to life, but someone who ignores correction goes wrong.
18 Someone who hides hate with lies, and someone who spreads false rumors, is foolish.
19 When people talk a lot, they often sin. But if someone keeps quiet, they are smart.
20 The words of a good person are like valuable silver; a bad person’s thoughts have little value.
21 The words of good people help many, but fools die because they lack wisdom.
22 God’s blessing brings wealth, without any sadness added to it.
23 A fool enjoys causing trouble, but a wise person has understanding.
24 What the wicked fear will happen to them, but what the good people want will be given to them.
25 Like a tornado that goes by, the bad person disappears; but the good person stands strong forever.
26 Like vinegar hurts teeth and smoke stings the eyes, so a lazy person troubles those who ask for their help.
27 Respecting God extends life, but the wicked will have shorter lives.
28 Righteous people’s hope will bring joy, but the wicked’s desires will vanish.
29 God’s way gives strength to the good, but will destroy those who do wrong.
30 Good people will always be safe, but the bad will not stay on earth.
31 The just person’s mouth speaks wisdom, but the deceitful tongue will be silenced.
32 The good person’s words are right, but the bad person’s words are twisted.